Muallif: S.Ma`rupov, Z.Rustamova, N.Kushanova, N.Ruziyeva,SH.Qutbiddinova, G`.Mirsanov

Chop etilgan yil: 2019


Chop etilgan shahar: Samarqand

Almost all words of Anglo-Saxon origin belong to very important semantic groups. They include most of the auxiliary and modal verbs (shall, will, must, can, may, etc.), pronouns (I, you, he, my, his, who, etc.), prepositions (in, out, on, under, etc.), numerals (one, two, three, four, etc.) and conjunctions (and, but, till, as, etc.). Notional words of Anglo-Saxon origin include such groups as words denoting parts of the body (head, hand, arm, back, etc.), members of the family and closest relatives (farther, mother, brother, son, wife), natural phenomena and planets (snow, rain, wind, sun, moon, star, etc.), animals (horse, cow, sheep, cat), qualities and properties (old, young, cold, hot, light, dark, long), common actions (do, make, go, come, see, hear, eat, etc.), etc.

2019-11-02 05:24:25 | ko'rishlar soni: 615 | Yuklab olindi: 214-marta