Chop etilgan yil: 2020

Nashriyot: Samarqand viloyat xalq ta'limi xodimlarini qayta tayyorlash va ularning malakasini oshirish hududiy markazi bosmaxonasi

Chop etilgan shahar: Samarqand viloyat xalq ta'limi xodimlarini qayta tayyorlash va ularning malakasini oshirish hududiy

How best to teach reading has been a subject of ‘great debate’ (Chall, 1967) for most of the post-war period. All sides in this debate have generally tried to back up their cases by using the findings of research into children’s learning and the effects upon it of various teaching practices. Yet in all this extensive debate, one source of information has been comparatively neglected: the approaches to the teaching of reading typically used by teachers who are known to be effective teachers of reading. A study of the teaching approaches used by teachers who are very successful in developing children’s abilities to read might well turn up some important lessons about teaching approaches.
We recently carried out such a study as part of a wider research project commissioned by the Teacher Training Agency to examine the factors underpinning effective teachers of literacy. A full report of our research findings is available elsewhere (Medwell, Wray, Poulson & Fox, 1998) but in this article we will describe the approaches to the teaching of reading we found to be characteristic of teachers known to be effective at literacy teaching. It should be recognised that we have space here to report only a small part of the research findings of the project, with a consequent risk of these being taken out of context, but we hope that this limited account might be of interest to readers of this journal.

2022-02-18 09:30:37 | ko'rishlar soni: 361 | Yuklab olindi: 139-marta