Muallif: Fayzullayeva Gulchexra Sharipboyevna

Chop etilgan yil: 2021

Nashriyot: International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking

Chop etilgan shahar: International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking

The article discusses the use of forms of membership in ensuring the continuity of literary education, improving the quality and effectiveness of teaching literature, the importance of important factors that ensure membership. Literary education programs, the characteristics of students in the educational stages, the attitude to literary education and the factors of organizing literature lessons are also studied. Important forms of membership include gradual presentation of topics, integration of curricula, modular linkages, integration programs, and interdisciplinary linkages.

2023-10-17 06:49:55 | ko'rishlar soni: 159 | Yuklab olindi: 63-marta