Bugungi kunda biz mamlakatimizning istiqboli yosh avlod qanday tarbiya topishiga, qanday bilim, ko‘nikma va malakalarga ega bo‘lishiga, ularning bilimlarini qanday baholashni hamisha yodda tutishimiz kerak. Ularning bilimlarini reyting baholash usuli bilan baholash davomida biz ularni yoshiga va mavzusiga to‘g`ri keladigan turli xildagi test nazorat topshiriqlarini tuzishimiz mumkin. O‘quvchilarning bilimini nazorat qilish maqsadidda nazorat topshiriqlari o‘tkaziladi. Shu sababli kam komplektli sinflarda ham biologiya fanidan o‘qitiladigan V–XI sinf o‘quvchilarining bilimlari sifatini nazorat qilishning reyting tizimi to‘g‘risidagi “Nizom”da o‘quvchilarning bilim, ko‘nikma va malakalari joriy, oraliq, bosqichli va yakuniy nazoratdan o‘tkazilib aniqlanishi belgilangan. Joriy nazorat kundalik so‘rovlar shaklida o‘tkaziladi. Oraliq nazorat ma'lum bir bob (bo‘lim) tugaganidan so‘ng o‘tkaziladi. Uning o‘tkazilish vaqti va shakli taqvim-mavzu rejada belgilab beriladi. Ushbu uslubiy ko‘rsatma DTS va biologiya o‘quv dasturi asosida tuzildi.
Unda VIII-sinflarda “Biologiya (Odam va uning salomatligi)” fani bo‘yicha uzviylashtirilgan o‘quv dasturi asosida tuzilgan taqvim-mavzu reja, o‘quvchilarning har bir dars oxirida o‘zlashtirishi zarur bo‘lgan bilim, ko‘nikma va malakalari, o‘tkaziladigan nazorat ishlari bo‘yicha namunaviy test topshiriqlari, biologik masalalarning namunalari keltirilgan.
There are many books of activities for teaching English in the primary classroom, but this book is different. It is different because all the activities have been tried and tested by the very people who are going to use them, teachers like you. These teachers work in the most diverse contexts and conditions, sometimes with large classes, sometimes with very small groups, sometimes with every type of resource you could wish for, sometimes with only a board to support their teaching. However, they share a desire to help their students to learn English in an enjoyable way. We imagine you too share this desire and that is why you have picked this book. We hope you find the activities useful, engaging and fun too, and enjoy using them in your class. For each activity, we give the ages of the children it is suitable for and the time it takes. Both of these should be taken as guides only.Very often, the English level of the children is more important than their age to the success of the activity. In addition, the timing of the activity depends on the size of the class or how quick the children are to respond. You will always be the best judge of whether an activity is suitable for your class and how long it is likely to take. For many children, their only source of exposure to English will be you, the teacher.
Dictation is the process of writing down what someone else has said. With young children, dictation offers a way for a parent or a teacher to record a child's thoughts or ideas when the writing demands surpass writing skills. Dictation provides a chance for an adult to model many writing behaviors including handwriting, matching sounds-to-letters to spell words, and sentence formation.
С изобретением компьютера человеческая жизнь очень существенно изменилась. Изменения коснулись также и образования. Процесс подготовки уроков в школах осуществляется с помощью информационных технологий. В наше время компьютерные технологии являются незаменимыми во время проведения занятий в школах, так как дают возможность оживить урок, вызвать интерес к предметам, способствуют улучшению качества обучения, увеличению доступности образования, обеспечению развития личности, ориентирующейся в информационном пространстве. Применение информационных технологий на уроках литературного чтения способствует совершенствованию практических умений и навыков, позволяет эффективнее организовать самостоятельную работу и индивидуализировать процесс обучения, повышает интерес к урокам словесности, активизирует познавательную деятельность учащихся и развивает творческий потенциал.
How best to teach reading has been a subject of ‘great debate’ (Chall, 1967) for most of the post-war period. All sides in this debate have generally tried to back up their cases by using the findings of research into children’s learning and the effects upon it of various teaching practices. Yet in all this extensive debate, one source of information has been comparatively neglected: the approaches to the teaching of reading typically used by teachers who are known to be effective teachers of reading. A study of the teaching approaches used by teachers who are very successful in developing children’s abilities to read might well turn up some important lessons about teaching approaches.
We recently carried out such a study as part of a wider research project commissioned by the Teacher Training Agency to examine the factors underpinning effective teachers of literacy. A full report of our research findings is available elsewhere (Medwell, Wray, Poulson & Fox, 1998) but in this article we will describe the approaches to the teaching of reading we found to be characteristic of teachers known to be effective at literacy teaching. It should be recognised that we have space here to report only a small part of the research findings of the project, with a consequent risk of these being taken out of context, but we hope that this limited account might be of interest to readers of this journal.
Reading is a receptive skill in that the reader is receiving a message from a writer. Reading is a basic and complementary skill in language learning. Recent researchers in reading describe the reading process in a way that implies an active reader intent upon using background knowledge and skills to recreate writer‘s intended meaning. Perfetti, for example, defines reading as ―thinking guided by print.
Reading is about understanding written texts. A complex activity involves both perception and thought. Reading consists o f two related processes: word recognition and comprehension. Word recognition refers to the process of perceiving how written symbols correspond to one‘s spoken language.
Comprehension is the process of making sense of words, sentences and connected text. Readers typically make use of background knowledge, vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, experience with text and other strategies to help them understand written text.
Much of what we know about reading is based on studies conducted in English and other alphabetic languages. The principles we list in this booklet are derived from them, but most also apply to non-alphabetic languages. They will have to be modified to account for the specific language.
This book has been written to help teachers to increase the pupils` language skills, STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Each of STEAM’s five subjects share a common approach and focus. They require gathering and using evidence to create knowledge or solve problems. STEAM learning happens naturally everyday as children explore, play, and try new things.
When young children have the opportunity to investigate the world around them, they learn and experiment with new STEAM skills and theories. Research shows there is a positive relationship between early STEAM experiences and future success in school.
This document provides an interactive learning experience and is intended as a professional development resource to help supervisors, coordinators, managers, and education staff*understand how young children engage with STEAM concepts and ideas. This document will also help adults identify strategies for exploring and developing STEAM in early learning settings.
Ma’lumki bugungi kunning dolzarb masalalaridan biri yosh avlodni komil inson, yuksak ma’naviyatli, vatanparvar, chuqur bilimli ijodkor va har tomonlama faol qilib tarbiyalashdir. Bu vazifalarni bajarish umumiy o‘rta ta’limda asosan ona tili va adabiyot ta’limi zimmasiga yuklanadi.
O‘zbekiston Respublikasining “Davlat tili haqida”gi, “Ta’lim to‘g‘risida”gi Qonunlari va “Kadrlar tayyorlash Milliy dasturi”ga muvofiq “Ona tili” fanini o‘qitish oldiga butunlay yangi maqsad va vazifalar qo‘yilmoqda. “Ona tili” fanini o‘qitishning bosh maqsadi yoshlarimizni ijodiy fikrlashga, o‘z fikrini erkin va ta’sirli qilib yozma va og‘zaki shaklda ifodalashga, o‘zbek tili qonun-qoidalarini ongli o‘zlashtirishga o‘rgatish, shuningdek, ularning fikr doirasini kengaytirishga, Vatanimizga, milliy an’analarimizga, boy ma’naviyatimizga mehr-muhabbat ruhida tarbiyalashga qaratilgandir. “Bugun biz davlat va jamiyat hayotining barcha sohalarini tubdan yangilashga qaratilgan innovatsion rivojlanish yo‘liga o‘tmoqdamiz. Bu bejiz emas, albatta. Chunki zamon shiddat bilan rivojlanib borayotgan davrda kim yutadi? Yangi fikr, yangi g‘oyaga, innovatsiyaga tayangan davlat yutadi. Innovatsiya-bu kelajak degani. Biz buyuk kelajagimizni barpo etishni bugundan boshlaydigan bo‘lsak, uni aynan innovatsion g‘oyalar, innovatsion yondashuv asosida boshlashimiz kerak”- degan edi Prezidentimiz Sh. M. Mirziyoyev. Farzandlarimizni mustaqil fikrlaydigan, zamonaviy bilim va kasb-hunarlarni chuqur egallagan, mustahkam hayotiy pozitsiyaga ega, chinakkam vatanparvar insonlar sifatida tarbiyalash biz uchun hamisha dolzarb masala hisoblanadi.
Ushbu uslubiy ko‘rsatmaning maqsadi ingliz tilini xorijiy til sifatida o‘rganayotgan o‘quvchilarning til ko‘nikmalarini rivojlantirishda kichik hajmli hikoyalarning muhimliligini va bunday hikoyalardan darslar davomida foydalanish usullarini ko‘ rsatishdir. Kichik hikoyalar til o‘rganishdagi t‘ort ko‘nikma, ya’ni so‘zlashish, o‘qish, tinglab tushunish va yozish ko‘nikmalarini o‘zlashtirishda katta ahamiyatga ega bo‘lib, ulardan til o‘rganish va o‘rgatish jarayonida foydalanish muhim hisoblanadi. Shuningdek, hikoyalar motivatsiya beruvchi va qiziqarli bo‘lib, til o‘rganuvchilarda ushbu tilga bo‘lgan ijobiy munosabatni shakllantiradi. Bunday hikoyalar o‘quvchilarda til o‘rganishni davom ettirishga bo‘lgan ishtiyoqni uyg’otadi. Bolalar o‘z ona tilini nafaqat darslar davomida, balki uni ishlatgan, muloqot qilgan hamda ushbu tilda fikrlarini bayon qilgan holda o‘rganganlaridek, xorijiy tilni ham shu tarzda o‘rganishlari ayni zaruratdir. Bu maqsadga erishish uchun esa kichik hikoyalar, ayniqsa, foydali hisoblanadi. Bunday hikoyalar o‘quvchilarning lug’aviy boyligini va tilni tushunib yetishga bo‘lgan qiziqishini oshiradi. O‘z navbatida esa qiziqtirish shaxsning shakllanishida, faolligini oshirishda zarur bo‘lgan eng kuchli quroldir. Shu o‘rinda o‘qituvchining o‘quvchilarda kitobga, asarlarga mehr uyg’otishi ularning ham adabiyotga nisbatan mehr paydo bo‘lishiga, ham til o‘rganishga bo‘lgan qiziqishininhg oshishiga turtki bo‘ladi. Mazkur uslubiy ko‘rsatmada hikoyalarning qo‘llash usullari va ulardan qay tarzda foydalanish haqida tavsiyalar yoritilgan bo‘lib, ularni amalda ishlatish o‘qituvchilar va til o‘rganuvchilar uchun foydali hisoblanadi.
Many students are more inductive than deductive reasoners, which means that they learn better from examples than from logical development starting with basic principles. The use of case studies can therefore be a very effective classroom technique.
Case studies are have long been used in business schools, law schools, medical schools and the social sciences, but they can be used in any discipline when instructors want students to explore how what they have learned applies to real world situations. Cases come in many formats, from a simple “What would you do in this situation?” question to a detailed description of a situation with accompanying data to analyze. Whether to use a simple scenario-type case or a complex detailed one depends on your course objectives.